Distance was 10.35 miles, time 1:40, elevation gain/loss 279 feet, pace 9:45.
Most of this run was on a concrete path, but somehow those pics just didn't make the cut. I wonder why that is.
The creek cuts through a combination of ranch/farm land, business parks, suburban homes and a golf course. So, there end up being a lot of peripheral meadows and singletrack. Not like Bear Creek, but some.
In these public spaces there are strange things like the big open field I ran through (no fence or signs) only to find "No Trespassing" signs on the other side. I never know whether the signs predate purchase of the land for public open space and were never taken down, or if it's actually private. The trails are usually well-worn and apparently nobody cares that much, but I try to abide by the rules and sometimes things just fall through the cracks.
This ended up being a pretty solid run with only about 5 minutes stopped for pictures. The more consistent mileage is putting a bit of pressure on the legs, but it's still under control. I was able to keep the knee quiet by watching my stride and arm motion.
Cadence was up there; not sure what it was, but it sounded rather quick when I went through an underpass and could hear my footsteps, and I kept it up for the full 1:40.
Still don't go that fast, but... it's feeling good and it's still enjoyable.