Again, the new bend in the creek after Colorado's fall floods:
I don't think this channel was entirely new, but it was at least 4 feet deep, which is unusual for Bear Creek. There were huge piles of river rock here, so this may have been recently scoured:
I passed a runner headed uphill who looked pretty strong, and we passed again on one of the uphill dam trails, where I was strong uphill. I felt hunted the rest of the run, unintentionally I think, as she was doing an outer loop of the park and I was meandering on the inside. I would have gotten caught if we'd been on the same trails. The net effect was that I didn't stop much.
Distance was 7.49 miles, time 1:13 (moving 1:10), elevation gain/loss 564 feet, avg. pace 9:52 (moving 9:26), and best pace 6:47.