There's still flooding on Ralston Creek:
Running-wise, it seems like I'm close to done with the plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis after two weeks. No hill running, calf rolling on foam, stretching, running at a really easy pace. Last time I had heel issues I ran in minimalist shoes, but the prescription seems to be the same: run easy and keep loose.
Distance was 6.59 miles, time 1:14 (moving 1:09), elevation gain/loss 169 feet, avg. pace 11:17 (moving 10:36), and best pace 8:08.
The Barn Swallow that has been visiting the apartment every spring for the last five years brought a mate along the last two years. While I welcomed the bird at first while solo, the prospect of a nest and the related mess didn't seem like a good idea, so I tried to discourage it (starting last year). But after repeated attempts this season, I relented on the premise that this bird trusted me (or at least thought I was not a threat), and if I had a problem I should have repelled it five years ago, not now after it's trying to start a family. Apartment management can decide what to do if they so choose. So, I have three chicks in a nest on the landing outside (one chick's beak is visible):