I thought this run on the local hill was going to be a cool run in the snow, maybe some pretty snowflakes falling down, wild animals smiling, birds chirping, yadda yadda. Instead, those animals were hunkered down out of sight; I got 19 degrees, constant wind, numb fingers, slippery snow (wet slush under 6 inches of powder), freezing face, snow melting in my eyes, and hidden rocks trying to throw me off-balance and break my ankles. It sucked.
Then, there's the umpteenth off-leash dog (against park rules and common sense) who charges me barking, and whose clueless owner yells: "He's friendly". ???
I threw in the towel under 2 miles.
I also removed a lot of cursing from this post.
The only good thing was it was beautifully snowy. That, and getting back to my car. And the bomber of stout I had afterwards.
Distance was 1.68 miles, time 37:39 (moving 29:51), elevation gain/loss 288 feet, avg. pace 22:23 (moving 17:45), and best pace 9:00.