Jumping on the singletrack along Morrison Road:
In the back is Mount Morrison, which I've summited on some longer runs:
The blackbirds are getting geared up for spring, and soon they'll be dive-bombing people along this stretch of the path:
I'm photographing all these clouds, not paying attention, and then it dawns on me that I may get wet. I didn't, but a few times in the mountains I've been photographing cool-looking clouds (that are conveniently close and dramatic) only to have them dump on me. Sometimes it can't be avoided.
I ran the path to the golf course, along Morrison Road, then cut a roundabout route over to the dam and took the road back. The last part of the run was fairly steady for me, mid to upper 8-minutes pace. It was getting dark and I was trying to keep warm.
Distance was 11.01 miles, time 2:13 (moving 1:49), elevation gain/loss 485 feet, avg. pace 12:10 (moving 9:59), and best pace 6:59.