I ran at North Table on Wednesday, mostly easy but pushing it a little at the end on the uphills. This is from on top, with some flats above the cliffs visible in the middle. It's about 500 feet above downtown Golden:
Growth along the Cottonwood Canyon trail that almost looks planted:
It's getting busy out there, I think I liked it better during early season when nobody was on the trails. And after several years of trail running, I'm starting to recognize people I don't even know out on trail. For example a trio of female mountain bikers; two in logo clothing who I remember from White Ranch and other trails last year (super nice), and a girl I remember from Deer Creek Canyon on a different day. I don't remember the guys as well, I wonder why.
Although you can look left and see Denver, some views seem a million miles away:
Water flows into this mini canyon along the rock cap, and only does so seasonally, such as during snow melt and while rain from the top of the mountain lasts:
Baby rabbit. You just want to grab one:
Coming around the north side and heading west, with maybe 3 miles to go (I think the car was about 8.7 miles, and I ran some more on streets to push it over 10):
Run distance was 10.31 miles, time 2:00 (moving 1:49), elevation gain/loss 1,360 feet.