After my Canon S95 flubbed the focus on 3 macro images of these Pasque Flowers, it miraculously produced this sharp shot, showing tiny hairs and grains of pollen:
Charred pine bark from last year's fire:
Why I run here. How could you not want to run (or hike) this?
I like this shot because of the red shirt, white dog, and the charred black trees:
I did every trail in the park on this one, and ran all the way down to Golden and steamed back up Nightbird Gulch pretty steadily, so I thought I was kicking ass, but the timing says otherwise. I was trying to beat the fall of night back to the upper parking lot, and did OK although I broke out the headlamp for the last mile or so.
I jacked a toe pretty badly on a rock when I got tired and definitely did some damage (tender), but at this point I'm leaning towards "not broken". We'll see. Damn, I hate that feeling of shock, with the thoughts whirling through the mind about going for an x-ray, and wondering if I'm going to have to take a month off. Been through it many times now, and it drives me nuts. I'm doing a zipline tour tomorrow, so I hope I don't slam my foot into the ground or something.
Distance was 7.73 miles, time 1:49, elevation gain/loss 1,807 feet, avg. pace 14:11, and best pace 7:36.
Update - In the AM the toe was still sore and bit bruised, so I had it x-rayed (MedExpress -- nice place, close by, done in 1 hr. - thank you free markets) and there is no obvious fracture :) Goes out out to a radiologist for a second look, but either way, the cure is: go easy and wait.