On this run I explored some new social trails and cut through undeveloped public open space off of Kipling near the Wheat Ridge recreation center. It's basically an abandoned field purchased by Jefferson County, but it provided something new to check out. There are signs of old excavations and dumping, and the occasional bit of trash, and it follows the north shore of Clear Creek. It provides a large buffer between the creek and the apartments/homes on the edge. There was a hobo/kid shelter in the trees. Eventually it hooks up with the paved path after meandering through social/fishing paths.
This pond is on the west end of my run near Youngfield Road:
Distance was 6.17 miles, time 1:19 (moving 1:10), elevation gain/loss 78 feet, avg. pace 13:03 (moving 11:27), and best pace 6:06.
I did some faster running at the end, so this time, a peak of 6-minute pace might not be too far off. For a couple hundred yards at a time.