I hadn't been to Mount Falcon in ages, so I was curious how my body would react after running more or less daily for some time. I remember gasping on the initial slopes of Turkey Trot during each run, but I just took it easy and hiked the steeps as needed. I chugged uphill at a steady pace. No PR, but solid.
I tagged the top parking lot, and headed back to turn down onto Parmalee. I spotted a couple of runners coming uphill who were talking to each other. I took off downhill, hoping to stay ahead.
It was not to be. They reminded me vaguely of the two runners who dropped me abruptly at Centennial Cone, although this time I held on longer, and we leap-frogged a couple of times since they seemed to be doing intervals where they stopped every so often. Eventually I let them pass so I could have silence again, as they were still chatting.
Impressive though, that they easily passed me while having a conversation. I was not lollygagging at this point, I was trying to stay ahead.
Indian Paintbrush on Parmalee Trail:
Distance was 10.65 miles, time 2:03 (moving 1:53), elevation gain/loss 2,196 feet, avg. pace 11:36 (moving 10:38), and best pace 7:14.