Things were a bit buggy here, but I just kept moving. Not too bad.
Yes, that's Poison Ivy lining the trail on the left:
I know the water sources now, so I ran with only one bottle.
Deer seem to like these:
Snake of the day. This one was lying across a little-used trail and we had sort of a truce: I wouldn't bother it, and it would stay and let me take pictures of it. I hope nobody hurt it after I departed. I see almost as many dead snakes as live ones, and it's so unnecessary. Garter Snakes are harmless and cool!
Distance was 15.57 miles, time 2:58 (moving 2:40), elevation gain/loss 294 feet, avg. pace 11:29 (moving 10:20), and best pace 7:46.
No major pains at the end, just lack of energy in the legs.