Today it was nice, work went well, and I got out the door early more in the spirit of things, and got out into the hills. There's still some snow on the north slopes, but it's somewhat limited. Not a huge deal.
There's some old farm equipment up near the upper parking lot of the park, with some explanatory signs if you stick around long enough to read them.
I love this park. A perfect blend of accessibility and mountain terrain. Even the forest service roads are nice, because nobody drives them any more, except maybe rangers. The top side of this park is heaven, running down pine-lined roads and trails.
Distance was 8.37 miles, time 1:59 (moving 1:33), elevation gain/loss 1,584 feet, avg. pace 14:18 (moving 11:09), and best pace 7:18.
I saw tracks from another pair of Altra Lone Peaks on the trail today. Don't see as many as I would expect, given how good a shoe it is. At least I like 'em.
Drove by Cannonball Creek Brewing. Man, that place is always packed. Instant success. There was a line out the door on opening day, and it's never slowed down.