This was a flat, steady run and I ran it as quick as I could one day after a tough 21 miles. Probably 6 or 7 out of 10 effort. Garmin had me at 9:45 or so average, which for me is fast for a run of this length. I made it to 15 miles and then pulled the plug.
I was actually going to ascend Mt. Morrison, but didn't want that extra time with mostly hiking and a little running. I fell a little short in the toughness category for not going the full 20, but I'd spent enough time running this weekend, and it was still good. The run was on paved paths and dirt trails.
The sky through my shades:
Distance was 15.01 miles, time 2:39 (moving 2:26), elevation gain/loss 685 feet, avg. pace 10:37 (moving 9:47), and best pace 7:21.