The GOP's love of moral and legal dogmatism is on the march again, this time in North Carolina where a bill called the "Healthy Marriage Act" was introduced to require a two-year waiting period and counseling before the government decides to let you dissolve a marriage contract.
Of course, trying hard is a good thing, but that's beside the point. This would be the government forcibly interfering with your right to contract (or not).
This nonsense is why some Objectivists and libertarians like me often vote Democrat.
Voluntary contracts -- which is redundant, but I'm emphasizing here -- are at the heart of free markets and a free and just society, and so is the right to dissolve a contract without interference from government or other citizens. It's not the government's job to hinder the right to contract or not. So much for the GOP supporting freedom or free markets.
There's also nothing "healthy" about government forcing you to stay together when things are not working out. It's absolutely none of the government's business. And it doesn't matter whether Christian Republicans think it's good or not. It's not their life.
This is no surprise, but the GOP writ large no longer has any concept of what the proper purpose of government is.