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Tuesday Ralston Creek Ramble

If it hadn't been for the wind, this would have been a comfortable run in mild conditions. Surroundings are getting a faint touch of green, something I noticed on yesterday's run at Matthews/Winters, where the hills are a pale, silvery sage green, especially as seen against the red rocks.

Ralston Creek doesn't seem very full right now, which is a little worrisome, seeing as this is late winter. This is off the bike path on social trails next to the water:

Distance was 9.74 miles, time 2:00 (moving 1:46), elevation gain/loss 212 feet, avg. pace 12:20 (moving 10:57), and best pace 8:45.

A really slow run, even more than usual. I'm feeling the stress of frequent workouts in my legs, and will have to be careful to take it easy in the coming weeks to not get injured. It took a lot of focus to relax my stride.
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