I got home from Aspen on Sunday after a nasty 4-hour drive in snow, and later that day I did a short run at dusk up to the the local hill. A good amount of new snow, fairly enjoyable. I got the "that's dedication" comment from a pedestrian as I ran uphill on the sidewalk on that cold and snowy evening. Hey, he was out walking, he should give himself credit too. Playing along the edge of the open space:
Drifts were pretty deep, up to my knees in spots. Cool dune-like drifts:
A lunch walk during the work week:
A quickie run on Wednesday morning. I really only feel like I did something if I run uphill, so I at least try to make to the edge of Hayden Park.
Always a good way to start the day.
There's something liberating about getting out there in weather that's a little uncomfortable, but yields an experience that is decidedly real and that you earned with your own effort. Maybe that is the work ethic applied to running. And to be able to get up there any day of my choosing is a gift.
I don't think I managed 10 miles during the work week, but that's OK. It's all good.