This was another run with some snow-postholing/hiking up the local hill. Not as much running as I'd like on-trail, because I was contending with 5"-15" of snow, but playing in the snow is fun. The first and last parts were on streets/sidewalks.
I headed uphill until my fingers started to frost over and I realized I wouldn't make it to the top for a while. That, and I wanted to actually run a bit.
I did enjoy breaking trail all alone, through drifts, on a peaceful late afternoon.
However, I need gaiters or a band to keep my running pants closed at the ankle, because I kept accumulating snow and had to empty it out every so often. Kind of comical. And I don't like tights because I feel the snow directly.
The skies started to clear on my way down:
After that it was street and sidewalk running. Orion framed by passing clouds:
Distance was 7.39 miles, time 2:48 (moving 1:52), elevation gain/loss 951 feet, avg. pace 22:50 (moving 15:16), and best pace 8:14.